Saturday, January 21, 2017

Pinterest - January Outdoor Living

Hello all!

I've started using Pinterest and LOVE IT! So many cool ideas that I will be trying. Please follow me and I will follow you back. Look for tarawoolbright the Realtor and that is me!

I think the recipe for this month has to be the tomato-zucchini try or cauliflower soup. Not sure which one I will pick but both look great. You will find that I will most likely try healthy simple recipes but every once in a blue moon I will add a recipe that is worth the "cheat" day.

I am all about repurposing the things that are a round us. So I will be doing the bird feeder that is a wine bottle (I mean I don't really need a reason to enjoy a good bottle but if it is for the birds that is even better!). The concrete/wood bench is on the list and one of these fire pits has to be built and we will sell this at the Dixie Construction Material shop.

I love, love, love the mason jars that are used to grow herbs. I will be doing this with the glass jars I clean out after I have used them. Plus the wine corks as herb or garden labels is a marvelous idea!

Lots of exciting things to come. So keep me posted and I will keep you. My theory is keep it simple and re-use. I like the idea of Green living and growing gardens because it reminds me of my blessed Grandma Dixie.

Until next time... Tara Texas Realtor ~713-489-0507 or  

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