Showing posts with label Open House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Open House. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Get your House Ready to Sell - Make Ready -Part 2

Hello all,

I hope you enjoyed my first blog in this two part series about how to get in the right mind-set to sell your house. So now that you have packed up your belongings and have your non-essential items packed and moved into storage, you are now ready to get the house ready. If you are not planning on moving within the next 4 to 6 weeks then you may want to think about some remodeling but IF you do want to move within a short time period then think about minor repairs that will help the house look more appealing.

Quick and relatively inexpensive ways to improve the your property:
  1. Curb appeal - landscaping and paint
    • Make sure the outside of the house looks good. The wood should be in good shape and a fresh coat of paint is on the house
    • Keep the yard clean and mowed
    • Put some bushes or flowers in the yard to brighten up the area
    • No broken down cars in the driveway
    • It is the small things that make a big difference and will draw people into the house
  2. Clean the house
    • You want the house to smell good and look fresh
    • Carpets need to be cleaned but if they are in need of replacements then please replace them with neutral colors. If you can't afford replacing the carpet then clean it and you may have to offer a carpet allowance.
    • Paint the walls - again a neutral
    • Keep toys put up
    • Bathrooms need to be clean with no mold
  3. Upgrades --
    • Appliance may not be super cheap but it could improve the look of the kitchen if the kitchen needs some work.
    • You can also paint cabinets and upgrading counter tops can make a large improvement
These are a few things  I would recommend that can make your house look better and attractive to new buyers.

If you have additional questions then give me a call and we can discuss at 713-489-0507.
Just keep in mind that the goal is to sell your house and move on to your next chapter in life.

Have a great day!

~Tara Woolbright, Realtor, MRP 713-489-0507 or or or @Tara.Woolbright.Realtor or

#TaraWoolbright #DixieRealtyGroup #YourNeighborhoodRealtor  #thatRealEstateChick

Monday, May 1, 2017

Go to Open Houses in your neighborhoods or ones that you are interested in!

Hi All!

I never went to Open Houses when I was looking for my next property. I don't have a good reason of why I did not go. They are free and provide great information on the home, neighborhood and community. In addition, you get to see some great decorating ideas!

Now, I love Open Houses! I like going and like being the Realtor that has the Open House; even
when I am not the listing agent. I get to learn about the house and what the market is doing in the area. I get to see a wonderful house and learn about that neighborhood. Plus, I get to meet people that are interested in the house.

So, I encourage all of you to go to your Neighborhood Open Houses, tell your friends about the Open Houses in your neighborhood, and come see me at your Open House. If you don't have a Real Estate Agent then please let the Agent for the Open House know and talk to them about your needs. This is a great time to interview them if you are looking to move.

Oh that is not a good look for me! 😒😒

If you are ready to go see some Open Houses then call me at 713-489-0507 and we can go see some amazing houses.

Have a great day!
~Tara Woolbright, Realtor 713-489-0507 or or or @Tara.Woolbright.Realtor or

#TaraWoolbright #DixieRealtyGroup #YourNeighborhoodRealtor  #thatRealEstateChick