Showing posts with label land. Show all posts
Showing posts with label land. Show all posts

Monday, April 10, 2017

Safety tips for your car and home

Hello All,

Last week I attended the Concern Citizens of East Montgomery County meeting and learned several things about car and home security. We all know we should lock our car doors and set the alarm but several people don't when they are at home. Unless your car is in the garage and the door is down then lock your doors for 2 reasons: it will most likely deter a person from trying to steel anything from your car and a security measure to make sure that no one is in your car with out you knowing.

Another key security measure is to lock all your doors and windows in your house (even when you are there). This again prevents unwanted visitors. However, the one door I don't lock (until now) is my garage door from my garage to my house. My garage door is down and I figure that prevents anyone from entering my home but this is not true. It took a person less than 6 seconds to open the garage door and with very little noise. Imagine if you are asleep and they opened your garage door they could come right in if you didn't lock the door from the garage to the house. So I make sure now ALL doors, including the garage to the house is locked when I am at home.

The person giving the talk also discussed layers of security. An alarm system that is turned on, motion detector lights outside the house, cameras, and even dogs are all layers of security. The more layers then most burglars become uninterested in your house. Notify the Sherriff and Constable offices when you are planning to go on vacation for an extra set of eyes on your house.

Keep these safety tips in mind going forward and be safe out there!

Contact me today and let's start looking for your next home with these safety features in mind at 713-489-0507.

Have a great day!
~Tara Woolbright, Realtor 713-489-0507 or or or @Tara.Woolbright.Realtor or

#TaraWoolbright #DixieRealtyGroup #YourNeighborhoodRealtor  #thatRealEstateChick

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Why hiring a Real Estate Agent is better than doing it yourself (FSBO)

Hello all,

I love Do It Yourself projects. I enjoy learning and trying new things BUT selling your own home, without a professional, is not the time to experiment and see if you can do it. This is probably your biggest investment and you don't need to risk it not selling or getting less money than you deserve. Here are some of my thoughts on why you should choose me as your Real Estate Agent and get your house sold:

1. Real Estate Agents have a variety of resources available to them that the average consumer does not have access too. Selling your property is not just about getting it on MLS. There is much more that goes into getting the property SOLD (and this is what you want, right?) MLS is a big step in the process but you want to promote it with the help of others. As one example of the resources available is most agents belong to a firm that has lots of agents, we use them to help us promote our properties.

2. You have to have a Marketing Plan for your property. Did you think just putting it out there and people are going to come? No, this is not going to happen for most houses. You need to have a plan and a GREAT Real Estate Agent, like myself, has a plan that they can explain to you and tell you that we will use some of our own money to get your property sold. I'm sure you are saying "WHAT?" Yes, a good agent has your best interest at heart. It is our time and experience that you are asking for us to help you get the best price that you can for your property.

3. As a For Sale By Owner (FSBO) you need to know about the laws and regulations that go into selling property. Are you aware of all the paperwork? What is legally required? What is something that is highly recommended? What are all the steps? How do you get past the hurdles? How many other people need to be involved in the transaction? Yes, there are a lot of other people that have to be involved to sell your home.

4. The statics show that having a Real Estate Agent the home owner nets more money than without one. For most properties they are sold faster and for a higher price. I believe this is due to the numerous resources available to a Real Estate Agent, the good agents have a plan on how to sell your house and we are responsible for taking care of the red tape. There is also a psychology of the individual that is involved in buying a property.

So contact me today and let me take the headache out of selling your property at 713-489-0507.

Have a great day!
~Tara Woolbright, Realtor 713-489-0507 or or or @Tara.Woolbright.Realtor or

#TaraWoolbright #DixieRealtyGroup #YourNeighborhoodRealtor  #thatRealEstateChick